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Nature Wins

Nature Wins Magnesium Complex (120 Count)

Nature Wins Magnesium Complex (120 Count)

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Important Brand Update: Ardis Labs is Now Nature Wins!

We’re excited to share that Ardis Labs is transitioning to Nature Wins, a brand dedicated to promoting health and well-being through nature's best remedies. This change aligns with Dr. Ardis’s vision to provide natural, drug-free solutions for a symptom-free life.

Why the Change?
After years as Ardis Labs, Dr. Ardis is rebranding to better reflect his mission to harness the power of nature for restoring health. The new name, Nature Wins, speaks to his belief that everything needed to support a healthy immune system can be found in nature.

What Stays the Same?
Rest assured, the quality and effectiveness of the products remain unchanged. Only the branding will feature the new name, Nature Wins, starting with the Taurine supplement.

Dr. Ardis’s Commitment to You
Through Nature Wins and The Dr. Ardis Show, Dr. Ardis is dedicated to reducing suffering and restoring health naturally, without reliance on drugs or vaccines. He’s excited to bring you even more natural health solutions under the new Nature Wins brand.

Thank you for being a part of this journey toward a healthier, symptom-free life through the healing powers of nature!


A combination of high quality magnesium sources from citrate, aspartate, and malate designed for energy support.

  • Nature Wins offers an extensive line of vitamin and mineral supplements that are formulated to the highest standards.
  • Our supplements are manufactured in the USA.
  • Nature Wins leads the way in innovative and revolutionary products that support your immune system against stress, anxiety, and viruses that can constantly attack your immune system.
  • We make living a health life easier with money saving subscription options.
  • Safety sealed, 120 Count

SKU: MAGCOMPLEX001--listing

Shipping Information

Domestic Orders: Nature Wins offers Free Shipping for all orders over $150 within the United States (domestic). only ships Nature Wins products to the 50 United States of America. For international orders, please follow the steps below.

For International Orders, please click this link to visit and use code IBN for a 10% discount. 

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Customer Reviews

Based on 34 reviews
Roy V.
Magnesium Complex

We love this product. This has really helped with our cramping, depression, & anxiety.

Claudia D.

It helps me with stress and anxiety. Promotes calmness, sleep and even helps with my BP. Didnt even realize I was low in Magnesium till I started taking this and noticed the difference. Dr. Ardis your spot on. Awesome product.

Rebecca H.
Magnesium complex

at the very least it keeps my legs from dancing at night, I sleep much better now.

Lisa V.
Magnesium deficiency

I have been on the magnesium complex about a year now. I have always had muscle cramps in my calves, but had started getting them under my ribs, my back, my hands, my thighs (front, sides, and back), and my feet. I researched and knew I was hydrated, I keep a decent sodium level, and threw caution to the wind it was magnesium. I'M SO GLAD I DID. It did take 2 weeks to really make all the muscle cramps subside, but I don't live without this stuff now. Thanks Dr. Ardis-I love all the valuable information you provide us normies with! Bless You, I've learned so much!

Healed chronic constipation

First magnesium ever that helped heal constipation This magnesium is a game-changer. When Dr. Ardis explained how I could figure out how much to take, that important bit of information made a difference. A real doctor with genuinely helpful advice. What a concept! Dr. Ardis is honest and knowledgeable way beyond what pHARMa teaches. I’m so done with pHARMa!